Live Pod Deployments

Live Pod Deployments

Now that the underlying cluster is working, now we can start it doing some work. I decided to use the BOINC client as my demo workload. There are 2 projects that I'm currently running: "Rosetta @ Home" and "World Community Grid/Openpandemics". I figured I needed a demo workload and what better than one that's doing some actually needed work.   The manifests I'm using can be found at  I've tried to put comments in the manifests to make them self-explanatory.  I'm using Kubernetes secrets to store BOINC RPC password used with the GUI and the "weak key" assigned to me by each project.  Since the BOINC folks actually publish an "official" container on Docker Hub I'm not doing the full CI workflow.  I've kind of done a "poor mans CD" that I'll describe on another page.

If you are interested in what my demo Kubernetes cluster is doing here's a link to the boincstats page.

Using kubectl port-forward, I connected an independent BOINCManager GUI to each of the pods running in the cluster.

I can control the BOINC client this way inside the pod, up to and including changing the project that the pod is working on.

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